
Instagram 345.3.0 Download for iOS

You are about to download Instagram, Version ( 345.3.0 ) for iOS.

Click the button below to start downloading it:

All you need to know about this download

  • Version: 345.3.0
  • Supported OS: iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad
  • File Name: id389801252
  • File Size: 247.5 MB
  • After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
  • The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.

Instagram for iOS Change Log

Checkout what's new in Instagram for iOS Version (345.3.0)

Instagram for iOS version 294.0 was released on July 31, 2023. Here are some of the new features and bug fixes included in this version:

  • New stickers: A number of new stickers have been added, including stickers for Pride Month and stickers for the upcoming Olympics.
  • Improved search: The search feature has been improved, making it easier to find the content you are looking for.
  • Bug fixes: A number of bugs have been fixed, including a bug that caused some users to experience crashes.

Here are some of the details about the new features:

  • New stickers: The new stickers include a variety of Pride-themed stickers, as well as stickers for the upcoming Olympics. The Pride stickers include a rainbow flag, a heart with a rainbow, and a fist with a rainbow. The Olympic stickers include a variety of logos and symbols from the different sports that will be featured in the games.
  • Improved search: The search feature has been improved in a number of ways. First, the results are now more relevant to your search terms. Second, you can now search for specific hashtags. Third, you can now search for specific people.
  • Bug fixes: A number of bugs have been fixed in this version, including a bug that caused some users to experience crashes.


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